Roman Blind Wizard fold calculator for perfect Roman blinds

Roman Blind Wizard

Wide Blind

Category Gallery 2/5/2019 (GMT)
This blind is over 2 metres wide, but the fabric design enabled us to "railroad" the fabric (in other words turn it sideways) so that there are no joins in the blind.  This is only possible if the fabric is plain, without a directional nap or pile, or, as in this case, where the design looks just as good sideways a it does any other way!  In this particular instance, we felt that the sideways orientation worked even better than the "proper" orientation, as the heavier stripes now run vertically (which always looks good on a Roman).  Using the fabric the other way could have resulted in an interruption to the pattern flow as the cascading folds can sometimes get "out of  sync" with the pattern repeat.  